Last week while traveling to Shimla I was accompanied by an unknown lady in whose lap was sitting this small kid of six years. Quick witted, cute, wearing spectacles like those of Harry Potter he was restless and kept firing rapid questions which his mother found difficult to answer.
When the bus halted for a lunch break this boy was keenly observing the fruit vendor who entered the bus to sell his fruit stock. But he hardly found any takers.
After few minutes the vendor again entered the bus to fetch in some customers this time. At very moment when the vendor stepped inside, the boy screamed: Mummy!! Double role!.
And the whole bus went gaga over the boys comment.
I wonder: How an innocent comment can sometimes lighten the moment.
Double Role
Feb 17, 2009
Posted by: Sunil at 9:51 AM | Tags: General, Happiness, Humor, Life, Views | Email This BlogThis! Share to X Share to Facebook |
hee hee!
try editing and sending it to RD!
Innocence that is what they represents. Sometime you wish you never grew up.
That was childhood is isn't it.
kids are smart....
Have a good day!
Will definitely try your suggestion.
Very true dear. there's a child in each one of's only that we kill it with time.
Raw childhood we can say.
Kids are definitely smart.
WOW! its been a long time...finally you are blogging :)
Nice post and cuteness of a kid :)