Busy bee- My favorite photograph (till now). Captured this one while on morning walk.
Busy Bee
Feb 27, 2009
"Dedication to duty is not a sacrifice but a justification to our existence."
Busy bee- My favorite photograph (till now). Captured this one while on morning walk.Posted by: Sunil at 9:01 PM | Tags: Blog, General | Email This BlogThis! Share to X Share to Facebook |
You are lucky to see so much greenery in your morning walk.
Liked the quote, but I don't think everyone believes in this.
hey Sunil...
I'm doing good man..
this is a great pic, btw
Great shot, Sunil!
My best wishes to you!
beautiful quote and let me tell u that photograph is fresh as morning as you have taken it that moment :)
It brings that freshness in it :)
Cheers dear
Lovely picture:)
beautiful pic... yellow and green makes the best nature colours....
Lovely pic it looks like a pro. I checked your flikr collection. I jus loved the pic where a dog was resting his chin on a rod.
Wanted a bit of advice from you. i was planning to buy a camera but am a bit confused. I read your post on the camera. Was thinking of buying Sony cybershot now and SLR later coz i love photography but i guess its a bad idea. Can you plz tell me how is D80 of Nikon. I checked the website for information on SLR camera but it confused me further and there were few things which were a bit technical which went above my head.
Will be glad if you can help me out with some information or advice.