Remember the face of the most sincere person you've ever known. Maybe your office colleague, your neighbor or a college mate. Our society regards sincerity as the greatest virtue. And you won't disagree with the fact that sincerity demands a great deal of effort, but are the rewards in accordance with the efforts? Maybe Yes, Maybe No.
Sincerity means doing things you are supposed to do with a perfect dedication. But isn't it that sincerity limits ones vision?, it kills your ability to think beyond the obvious & ask questions.
Lack of questions leads to lack of vision and existence without vision is a monotonous existence.
Sincerity - inability to look beyond obvious
Apr 8, 2009
Posted by: Sunil at 9:16 PM | Tags: General, Life, Musings, Views | Email This BlogThis! Share to X Share to Facebook |
Maybe yes, maybe No. You'e right.
But I prefer sincerity.
My friend is very sincere, like a naive child, but sometimes he has some trouble. But everybody loves him.
My best wishes to you!
Sunil, why are you defining sincerity as doing things we are supposed to do? I think sincerity is KNOWING things we are supposed to do and doing them as they are supposed to be done. To me, it is being truthful to oneself...
I did not look upon the dictionary meaning of sincerity though.. Don't know whats exact meaning of the word!
My guess is that you are referring to sincerity as dedication.
The rewards may happen or not. I wont say one's vision becomes limited. In a way it leads to a greater understanding towards what you show your dedications towards. Sometimes the truth is not to our liking but that's the way the world goes around, comes around!!
To me sicerity is how well you wanna perceive or achieve witin that time as you already planned.
A very complex situation :D
Hi Mate,
How are you. Waiting for you next post :)
hmm, may be you should have taken the post further,,
Sincerity means when your words and behavior reflect how you truly feel.
For me it's difficult to be insincere. I have to work on being more artificial. Because sincerity is synonymous to seriousness, and seriousness in life kills.