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  1. Talent was the name of a coin in ancient times and those who had a lot of talent, or money, then-just as it is now-were indeed the ones who saved and invested gainfully. Before making a long journey, the Bible says, a rich man called three of his servants and "unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one."

    He that received the five talents went and traded with the same, and gained another five talents. And likewise, he that had received two, also gained another two. But he that received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord's money.

    After a long time the master of those three men returned, and reckoned with them. He that had received five talents came and showed another five talents, saying, "My lord, you delivered unto me five talents: behold, I have gained five talents more."
    The master said unto him,"Well done...I will make thee ruler over many things." The master was also pleased with the man who had doubled his two talents. "Well done... I will make thee too ruler of many things." These two men would now lead a more joyous life. They were talented!

    Then the man who had received the one talent came to his master and said, "Lord, I was afraid and went and hid thy talent in the earth: here take what is yours." The master answered and told him, "You wicked and slothful servant... you ought to have put my money to the exchangers and at my return I should have received it with interest."

    Obviously, this man had no talent. "Take therefore the talent from him and give it unto him which hath ten talents," the master then ordered. "And cast the unprofitable servant into outer darkness."
    -MATTHEW 25: 14-30 in the Bible.

    Learning lesson from this story I purchased the bestseller "The Intelligent Investor" by Benjamin Graham.- My first investment towards investing.
    What was your first investment towards investing?

  2. 19 Comments:

    1. Dave said...

      My first investment was in buying a notepad to create a budget in so I would stop spending needlessly. Once that was done, the rest fell into place.

    2. sandy said...

      I let my husband take care of it. Liked your post today...


    3. Dawn said...

      My first investment was buying a pc through interest free loan ;)
      It helped me not only in online trading :)
      Nice post

    4. M said...

      Wonderful post! I just loved it.
      My first investment towards investing is knowledge. I need have gained that reading ur post .. thanks for this wonderful post .
      Well as for money , nothing much from my side as my parents handle my money I do not think of it at least for some time ……

    5. Sunil said...

      Yes!! Now I remember, a notepad was my first investment too.

      Thanks a lot. Hope my wife would also be interested in numbers & account keeping. :D

      Free loan??? that sounds interesting.:D

      Thank you dear. :)
      As i'm about to enter the professional world I want to be self dependent in financial matters.

    6. Stacey said...

      Good evening Sunil,
      What an interesting post and very thought provoking.
      Mine are a few things but recently a computer, ok I have not financially gained anything, but I have gained knowledge, does this count Sunil? I think in some ways if you have got knowledge then you are on the best path leading in the right direction(if that makes sense) ...

    7. krystyna said...

      Hi Sunil!
      My first investment was education. Good school, practice, good books and looking how masters working.

      Very smart post and good example.

      Good luck and blessings!

    8. Sam said...

      My investment would be purchasing an electricity inverter so that I can sleep properly at night, go back to the office fresh the next day, work hard and get promoted for a better pay!! :P

    9. Unknown said...

      My first investment was(is) my time towards my PhD. It's going to be a few years before I reap any benefits. :-). By the way I'm putting a link to your blog on my blog. I hope that's okay.

    10. Sunil said...

      Knowledge is the greatest gain dear.
      In the end everything boils down to knowledge.
      Have a nice time.

      Thank you dear.

      Hahaha. You are definitely an intelligent investor. :D

      Ph.d! Now that really is an intelligent investment & it definitely requires loads of Grey matter. :d

      Take Care!

    11. Hmmm investment!I am still a long shot away from it :)

      Nice post!

    12. Wondrful post though investment is a long lost dream yet, great to meet you here

    13. my first investmnt ummmm....i guess were a few gud books as well!!

    14. krystyna said...

      Happy Earth Day!

    15. sandy said...

      Good Luck!!!! On those exams tomorrow!!!


    16. abcd said...

      Hi Sunil, to learn / read about how to invest at your young age, you're on the right track.

      A wise investor needs knowledge, info, planning and must be willing to take some risk.

      I would like to recommend you a very good book - "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill.
      Everyone should read this book.

    17. Dawn said...

      My dear friend, first of all ‘all the best for your exams’!
      I am pretty sure you are already making your marks ….and shall come up with flying colors (amen)

    18. Sayani said...

      hi sunil,
      thats a very intelligent post i admit and so your step toward it ....

    19. Anonymous said...

      I very much appreciated ur blog about comments on every book.
      Haiku Poems

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