Feb 19, 2008
Destiny brought three of us together as roommates but choice made us best buddies. Two years of togetherness, arguments, laughs, care, annoyance, and the endless gyaan (advices). Our growth was entangled together and each one of us felt a sea change in our lives
After two years of togetherness we had to move separate ways and the single threes became three singles.
The biggest enemy
Distance is the biggest enemy of any relationship and ours was no exception. Each one of us got so busy managing life that we could hardly find time for ourselves.
Nearly two years passed and the feelings started piling up.
Best feelings in life are never said
We had a short reunion yesterday and it felt as if we are still the same; the same old friends.
Destiny is sweet, but unknown
Now Atal might be busy studying or surfing internet & I'm here penning down my feelings whereas J.P might be busy tracking the stock market. Don't know where the destiny will lead us. Each one of us is heading towards different direction yet the bonds never cease to break. Maybe because the strongest bonds in life are cherished inside heart, they are beyond the reasons of time and distance.
PS: 20th Feb is Atal's B'day. Happy Birthday Atal.Posted by: Sunil at 10:04 PM | Tags: Friendship, Happiness, Musings, Stories, Views | 8 Comments | Email This BlogThis! Share to X Share to Facebook |
Feb 12, 2008
"Whenever I look at you, you seem very silent & lost within yourself. You don't seem happy, something bothering you?. You can trust me as a friend."
I'm well acquainted with such questions but this time it was my teacher who rang the bell.
I plainly denied the charges & the conversation went on.
Now I wonder what happiness exactly is?.
To me happiness is more a matter within & not inside out.
If someone stays silent does it imply that he/she is not happy?.
Is it mandatory to reflect happiness?.Posted by: Sunil at 11:07 PM | Tags: General, Happiness, Musings, Poetry | 10 Comments | Email This BlogThis! Share to X Share to Facebook |
Strings of Life
Feb 9, 2008
I often get engrossed in the word 'Life'. What is the meaning of life?. Is it happiness? Is it Love?, or is life some sort of gimmick played upon us by some higher power?.
One day pondering over such questions I subconsciously sketched a guitar on the paper at hand and titled it as 'Strings of Life'. Later on this became the title for my first blog.
The idea behind Strings of Life was to create an online souvenir where I can express myself, share my thoughts and discover the meaning of Life.
The new face of Strings of Life:
The two year journey from 2006 to 2008 was like sea waves, full of highs and lows.
Now I've moved Strings of Life from Google owned domain(www.sunilparashar.blogspot.com) to a custom domain SunilParashar.com so as to make a fresh start.
Whereas the theme remains same: Life.Posted by: Sunil at 11:32 PM | Tags: Blog, General, Musings, Views | 12 Comments | Email This BlogThis! Share to X Share to Facebook |
Feb 8, 2008
Hello and welcome at Strings of Life (SunilParashar.com).
My shortest résumé:
Name: Sunil Parashar
Age: Currently on my23rd24th revolution around the sun.
Location:HamirpurShimla, Himachal Pradesh, India.
Education : NIT Hamirpur (B.Tech, Electrical), Sainik School Balachadi, Jamnagar, Gujarat (Higher Secondary)
Occupation:Currently in the final year of Electrical Engineering at NIT Hamirpur.Working as Engineer in a PSU.
In retrospect, I aspired to be an army officer, a multi millionaire, join merchant navy, be an IAS officer, join the corporate world, start my own industrial conglomerate, be a writer, and what not but it took me 19 years to discover that all these realms demand hard work and therefore I ended up being an engineer(maybe).
Literally speaking I'm not a genius/technical person but yes I'm a curious soul and once I make up my mind for something I give my entire self towards it. I believe, if you don't have something then create it. After all life is all about being passionately passionate about ones aspirations & dreams.
These lines by Emily Dickinson best describes me:
"A face devoid of love or grace,
A hateful, hard, successful face,
A face with which a stone Would feel as thoroughly at ease
As were they old acquaintances —First time together thrown."
My hobbies include:
Reading: Imagination has no upper limit & to me books are as important as breathing. View my collection of books over here>> .
Writing: I love collecting diaries and scribbled pages appear better than the blank ones. It took me 20 years to realize that I've no talent for writing but by then I was already popular.(Quote)
Web designing: Internet is the best medium to express oneself & I think it's better to get your hands dirty with some elementary coding than to pay some professional web developer for such a stupid thing.
Photography:Oops! I don't own a camera but I think I've an eye for photography. Soon I'll be equipping myself with a DSLR, but then soon itself is a big word. :D
Thankfully now I own Nikon D40 & my photography skills can be viewed over here.
Cooking: It's fun, creativity & far more a thing than keeping utensils on fire. So what would you like to have for the dinner today? :)
Blogging & me:
I first heard the term blog way back in 2005 & thought to get one for myself.My first blog can still be accessed over here. As the word 'Life' fascinates me more than anything I named my blog as Strings of Life & have still retained its name. The philosophy behind Strings of Life can be read over here>>
Blog is the best platform to express myself & the friends I've made over here are worth a million posts.If you don't own a blog I advice you to immediately start one and I'm sure you'll be surprised by the results.
Thank you for reaching this far, I admire your patience. To stay in touch or to know more about me drop me an email at:
Or else visit the Contact page.Posted by: Sunil at 10:32 PM | Tags: Blog, General | 3 Comments | Email This BlogThis! Share to X Share to Facebook |
Feb 7, 2008
Welcome to the contact page of SunilParashar.com.
To get in touch with me or to know more about me please feel free to drop me a mail at:
Instant chat:
Posted by: Sunil at 12:38 PM | Tags: Blog, General | 0 Comments | Email This BlogThis! Share to X Share to Facebook |
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